Tuesday 19 March 2013

Space Math

Today in class we did a really cool word problem based on a video that is called I.S.S. (you can watch the video on my other post!)
We had to figure out how many times we will need to go up our school stair cases to reach the international space station  In order to figure out what our answer was we had to multiple steps.
Here are some of the steps that we took:

How many steps are in the stair case?

How tall is one step?

How long is it from here to the International Space Station?

And some other steps!

We came up with the answer splitting up into groups doing different steps and then we came together and figured it out.

I want to see if you can figure out what the answer is if I only give you some information.

One step is 18 cm tall
There are 38 steps in our school
From here to the space station it is 354 km

What you need to do is find the answer with the very little info I gave you.
Answer in a comment once you think you got the answer.

UPDATE: Me and one of me classmate timed our self to see how long it would take to go up. It toke us 20 seconds at walking pace. We figured out that if we started at the beginning of April we would finish on Sept 8th going 20 secs per flight 1hr and 30mins a day.


  1. This sounds awesome! Was it really tricky to figure out? I've been playing with the numbers and I see that 38 steps is 6.84 metres, so in order to figure out the number of steps it would take to get to the ISS, I'll have to first convert the metres into kilometres or vice versa. Is this the way that you did it?

    I love that you blog so that I could find out everything that I missed today!


    1. It was kinda trick to figure out, but we did it as a team!! We converted the 354 into meters and worked with that.
