Thursday 4 April 2013

Unfinished Riddles

I am going to post a bunch of riddles that will make your mind thinking. 
Then once I give you guys a chance to figure them out, I will re-post the riddles with the answers.

Here is the list of riddles:

-I am twice in a week, never in a day, once in a year,  at the beginning of eternity, and at the end of time and space.  What am I?

-What has a tongue that can't taste, a soul but can't feel and a eyes but can't see?

-A rooster lays an egg on the top of a slanted roof,  which way does it roll, left or right?

-What goes around a yard but doesn't move?

-You peel the outside, you cook the inside, you eat the outside and throw away the inside,  What am I?

-The person who made me does not need me,  The person that buys me does not want me,  the person that uses me does not know,  what am I?

-Two twins walk into a cafe,  they both order lemonade, The server gives them each a glass then on twin drinks it really fast and goes to the park to play.  The other twin stays and chats with her friends.  When it was 8 o'clock the twin that drank her lemonade very slowly disappeared.  Why did she disappear?

-The president lived in a circle house at the bottom of Cherry lane hill. One day the president magically disappeared.  Some detectives wanted to solve the problem on who made the president disappear   They asked the cooker "what were you doing just then the president disappeared".   He said "Why I was just baking cupcakes!".  Then the detectives went to the house cleaner and said "What were you doing just then , the president disappeared?"  She said "Why I was just cleaning the corners of the house". Then they went to the gardener and asked "what were you doing just then? The president disappeared ". He said " I was just trimming these plants".  Who put the magic on the president?

Please reply with your answers in a comment!!


  1. 1. The letter e
    2. A shoe
    3. It doesn't roosters don't lay eggs.
    4. A fence
    5. Corn
    6. A coffin
    7. She disappeared because there was poison in the ice cubes and since the other twin drank hers fast the ice cubes never melted but the twin that drank hers slowly the ice cubes melted so she got poisoned.
    8. The house cleaner, because there are no corners in the house.


    1. 1.Yes

      How did you figure those out Fin?
