Thursday 4 April 2013

Weekly Question #2 ~ April 4th-11th

Nobody replied in the last weekly post,  so hopefully this time some more people will!  If I get some comments I will post all the comments that I got so everybody can see them!

Here is the weekly question:
What is the capital of Hungary?

How to answer this question:
Like you're a hipster,  but remember not to be too silly and to make it readable!

BONUS QUESTION:  How did you get your answer?  Remember to always record your sources!

WARNING: You may need to do some research for this!! but it gives you a chance to practice!!


  1. The capital of Hungary is Budapest.
    I got my info by searching it up on google the moment I saw the question.
    And Fi go to my blog to see the chords to Ordinary Day!!

  2. Thanks Fin for commenting on my blog, You are the first one to comment on this question. You are right, the capital of Hungary is Budepest.
